Adams, SarahSillito, Savannah2023-11-102023-11-102023-10-16Adams, S., & Sillito, S. (2023, October 16-18). Open Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS): Reducing Barriers and Building Sustainability for OER Adoption [Conference presentation]. Open Education Global Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada. the end of this session, attendees should be able to… 1. Describe key barriers around faculty OER adoption in higher education. 2. Reflect on the potential of the Open Course Material Matching Service (OCoMMS) for supporting the reduction of OER adoption barriers at their own institution. 3. Consider staffing models for sustainable OER finding services within institutions. During this lightning talk, attendees will be engaged through the discussion and visualization of the Open Course Material Matching Service (OCoMMS) and its staffing model at Libraries and Cultural Resources, along with open dialogue and questions during the question-and-answer section of the talk. Attendees will also have access to the resources supporting the Open Course Materials Matching Service that they may utilize and adapt for their own services at their institutions.Open Education Global Conference 2023 (Edmonton, Alberta) session description. Are you looking for a new approach to supporting educators in finding OER to adopt into their courses? In this lightning talk (15 minutes), learn about an Open Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS) model a Canadian research institution has introduced to help reduce hurdles faculty and instructors face when adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) into their courses. We will first highlight some of the barriers educators experience when starting their journey in finding OER to adopt, followed by outlining the Open Course Materials Matching Service provided by Libraries and Cultural Resources (LCR) staff at the University of Calgary. We will discuss what OCoMMS is, the service’s workflow, and the staffing model used within this service. Library staff supporting this service utilize a course’s outline or syllabus as a guide in conducting a targeted search for finding relevant OER which is provided to educators through a curated list they then evaluate for potential adoption. In order to support these services at LCR, we utilize the strengths and experience of our support staff as the strategies and practices for providing reference services are also similarly applied within the Open Course Materials Matching Service. We will highlight the benefits of having our support staff assist with searches within the Open Course Materials Matching Service managed by the Open Education Librarian and our current service workflows. At the University of Calgary, this staffing model is a crucial piece in supporting the sustainability and growth of our OER services as interest in OER adoption continues to increase at our institution.enUnless otherwise indicated, this material is protected by copyright and has been made available with authorization from the copyright owner. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.Attribution 4.0 International Educational ResourcesOERLibrary ServicesOER adoptionOER curationCourse materialsStaffing modelOpen Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS): Reducing Barriers and Building Sustainability for OER AdoptionPresentation