Wun, TiffanyOehlberg, Lora A.Carpendale, Sheelagh2018-05-222018-05-222018-04-22Wun, T., Oehlberg, L. and Carpendale, S. (2018). Making-With-Data: Supporting DIY Data Physicalizations. In: ACM CHI 2018. Makers, DIY, and Participatory Design Workshop. [online] ACM. Available at: https://makersdiyparticipatorydesign.wordpress.com/ [Accessed 10 May 2018].http://hdl.handle.net/1880/106652We explore how DIY making techniques can support the democratization of data. We present two DIY data physicalizations: a CNC plotter for rapidly prototyping visualizations on paper, and a physical, dynamic bar chart of migrant deaths constructed with origami. We discuss several issues when embodying data through maker techniques: DIY guides, materiality, and the relationship between resources and knowledge. Finally, we propose several questions to discuss in the workshop.enCopyright is held by the authors. Presented at the ACM CHI 2018 workshop: Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0Making-With-Data: Supporting DIY Data Physicalizationsconference paper10.11575/PRISM/31930