Stumbris-Stumbergs, E.Baidekalna, Z.Ulrich, W.Slabbert, B.Eglajs, I.Pure, B.2005-08-302005-10-062005-08-302005-10-062005-04-08 presentation was given at the Med-e-tel 2005 Conference in Luxembourg on April 8th, 2005.Ethical Issues in eHealth: The full project in the City of Riga will target not only teleradiology, but also telecardiology, teleconsultation of patients, teletraining, tele-emergency services, and telemedicine anti-terror systems. The programme aims to reach four objectives: (1) establish a communication channel to exchange information between the municipal authorities and the various medical institutions (in- and out-patient care); (2) develop centralized information aggregation capacities in hospitals and healthcare institutions; (3) establish a communication channel to exchange information and specialist consultations for the development of a medical home-care network; (4) organise training for practicing family physicians m providing telemedicine services. The Telemedicine and Videoconference Division of the Information Technologies Centre of Riga's City Council is responsible for the implementation of the programme.1024138 bytes11261 bytes1761 bytes1024138 bytesapplication/pdftext/plaintext/plainapplication/pdfenTelehealthTeleradiologyLatviaCommunicationTeleradiology Project for LatviaPresentation10.11575/PRISM/10521