Waller, AndrewSadler, Shawna2008-05-072008-05-072008-05-07http://hdl.handle.net/1880/46387This presentation took place at Faculty Technology Days, University of Calgary, May 7, 2008In these days of the internet, open access journals, institutional repositories and other alternative publishing methods, it can be difficult to determine the best way to disseminate research. This session was aimed at those who wanted more information about: • Where to publish - Open Access journals vs. traditional journals. • What issues to be aware of including author rights, rights to place in an institutional repository? • What is an institutional repository used for? What kinds of material can be added? • What supports are locally available?engAttribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unportedhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/Library & Information ScienceOpen AccessOAInstitutional repositoriesSubject repositoriesOpen Journal SystemsScholarly communicationOJSUniversity of CalgaryBeyond the ivory tower: disseminating your research to a broader audiencePresentation10.11575/PRISM/29674