Park, ShellyMaurer, Frank2010-02-262010-02-262010-02-26 paper presents a systematic review of studies on story-test driven development. Our findings suggest that there are many lessons learned papers that provide anecdotal evidence about the benefits and issues related to the story test driven development. We categorized these findings into seven themes: cost, time, people, code design, testing tools, what to test and test automation. We analyzed research papers to find out how many of these anecdotal findings were critically examined by researchers and analyzed the gaps in between. The analysis can be used by researchers as a ground for further empirical investigation.engTestingAgile software developmentStory Test Driven Development, Executable Acceptance Test Driven Development, Requirements, Systematic Review, Empirical software engineeringAn Extended Review on Story Test Driven Developmenttechnical report2010-953-0210.11575/PRISM/30916