Reso, ArtanBall, Chad G.Sutherland, Francis R.Bathe, OliverDixon, Elijah2011-11-162011-11-162009-01-20Reso et al. "Rupture and intra-peritoneal bleeding of a hepatocellular carcinoma after a transarterial chemoembolization procedure: a case report". Cases Journal 2009, 2:68 doi:10.1186/1757-1626-2-68. according publisher policy posted on Sherpa/RoMEO November 16, 2011. Updated version of CC Attribution 2.0 assigned -- CC Attribution 3.0 with international jurisdiction.engAttribution 3.0 Unported and intra-peritoneal bleeding of a hepatocellular carcinoma after a transarterial chemoembolization procedure: a case reportjournal article10.11575/PRISM/33443