Sveinson, Leone2016-06-162016-06-161987-09Sveinson, L. (1987). 1-ascension vs. causative clause union in Modern Hebrew. Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics, 13(Fall), 43-60.2371-2643 assumption has been made that there are two types of causative clause union in Modern Hebrew (Cole 1976). Subsequent to reviewing Cole's work an interesting imbroglio transpired When it came to light that perhaps his premise is wrong. Perhaps the structures that he labels as having undergone clause union do not involve union at all. In this paper we shall examine the possibility that this observation may be true. The framework to be employed will be that of Relational Grammar (Perlmutter and Postal 1974, 1983).enLinguisticsHebrewSyntaxGrammar, Comparative and general--CaseCausative (Linguistics)1-ascension vs. causative clause union in Modern Hebrewjournal article