Timalsina, Ramji2020-08-282020-08-282020-08-17Timalsina, R. (2020). Fear in corona time: Nepali poetry. International Journal of Fear Studies, 2(2),52-69.http://hdl.handle.net/1880/112457The whole of humanity felt threatened together for the first time in its history because of Corona Virus Disease 2019 [COVID-19]. Such an extent of fear has been expressed in different forms. Literary creation is one such site of expressions. On this background, this research article has explored how the emotion of fear is expressed through Nepali poetry composed during the COVID-19 lockdown. The poems used for interpretation were composed in Nepal and beyond by the poets who are Nepali in their origin though they live in different parts of the world at present. Using random sampling in the selection of the texts, the ten poems by nine different Nepali poets have been used to explore how they present fear related to COVID-19. The lines quoted in English are my free translations from Nepali except the poems of Manprasad Subba, Mukul Dahal, and Yati Raj Ajanabi who have published their poems in both the Nepali and English versions. The analysis has come to the conclusion that these poems depict the picture of troublesome life of the period and give voice to the atmosphere of fear, types of fear, sources of fear and levels of fear.engRamji Timalsina ©2020fearcovid-19lockdownNepali poetryFear in corona time: Nepali poetryjournal article