MacSwain Standing, Mary-AnnKydd, Robyn2023-11-172023-11-172021-07 2018, the Prince Edward Island (PEI) Department of Health and Wellness contracted the PEI Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit (MSSU) to study the prevalence of gambling and problem gambling in Prince Edward Island. The primary purpose of this study was to provide updated prevalence estimates for gambling and at-risk gambling, examine the socio-demographic characteristics associated with at-risk gambling, and identify potential subgroups of at-risk gamblers for more in-depth study. Due to expansion of the availability of online gambling in recent years, an additional objective was to estimate the prevalence of in-person and online gambling, and to examine the socio-demographic characteristics and gambling behaviours associated with different methods of access.enPermission to include in Prism granted on Nov. 17, 2023 by Mary-Ann MacSwain Standing, Director, Secure Island Data Repository (SIDR) & Research Manager, UPEI Centre for Health and Community Research (CHCR).Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Prince Edward Island Gambling Prevalence StudyTechnical Report