Snow, JessicaJeffs, CherylKenny, Natasha2019-08-282019-08-282019-04 do we transform education, spark curiosity, drive innovation and prepare students to thrive in their chosen careers? What does learning look like in a postsecondary institution that emphasizes entrepreneurial, creative and critical thinking? How do we design teaching and scholarship that are informed by and contribute to our local, national and international communities? Increasingly, experiential learning is prioritized in higher education. Students demand relevant and meaningful learning experiences and employers expect them to be equipped with the skills required by a changing workforce. This program contains details of the three-day conference and includes biographies of the keynote speakers, session descriptions and presenters.Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International CC BY-ND University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching: Exploring Experiential Learning, April 29 to May 1, 2019conference program10.11575/PRISM/36915