Bercuson, DavidHo, Ivan2016-09-302016-09-302014-09Ho, Ivan. (2014). Sole Source Procurments and the Royal Canadian Air Force ( Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from the last ten years, the Canadian Forces underwent an extensive reformation and in the process defence equipment was acquired to fulfill urgent international and domestic operations. The Canadian government reinvested in procuring new capabilities for the RCAF from Search and Rescue to Strategic Airlift. Due to operational urgency, DND procured off-the-shelf items and bypassed the traditional procurement procedures. However, in the process, defence equipment faced scheduled delays while others were a smooth transition and immediately deployable. This study examines and compares four case studies to determine important procurement practices and challenges in off-the-shelf procurement. There are a number of lessons available for Canadian defence policy-makers in re-equipping the Canadian Forces in a time of operational urgency.enSole Source Procurments and the Royal Canadian Air Forcereport10.11575/PRISM/30125