Hurrell, Christie2017-04-192017-04-192017-03Hurrell, C. (2017, March). Aligning the stars: Understanding digital scholarship needs to support the evolving nature of academic research. Poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Baltimore, MD. scholarship centers located within academic libraries have been proliferating recently. This study gathered feedback from library staff and campus researchers to better understand current needs and gaps around digital scholarship. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the results were analyzed thematically. Common needs identified included access to interdisciplinary collaborators, technologies, and space. This study will be of interest to other academic libraries wishing to instantiate a digital scholarship center or service.enAttribution 4.0 International scholarshiplibrariesAligning the stars: Understanding digital scholarship needs to support the evolving nature of academic researchconference poster10.11575/PRISM/34732