Forlini, StefaniaNicol, Jessica2020-05-142020-05-142020-04-30Nicol, J. (2020). Lost in the Stacks: A Collection of (Auto)Fictions (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from in the Stacks: A Collection of Auto(Fictions) is a cross-genre book about the impossible search for order and answers in an archive of personal and cultural history—the Bob Gibson Collection of Speculative Fiction, housed at the University of Calgary’s Archives and Special Collections—and the intrinsic chaos that permeates the collection, the writer’s life, and the dissertation project itself. A personal exploration of collecting, objects and things, bodies, and extraordinary flashes within everyday concerns, the book plays with the bounds of fact and fiction in order to explore what it means to tell stories in the generic modes of fiction, memoir, and autofiction. Written in fragments—short stories, personal essay-like vignettes, quotations, images—the project uses a continued focus on serendipity and coincidence to weave seemingly disparate ideas together into a narrative that builds and culminates in a critical afterword about the objects, storytelling methods, and gendered contexts of the book and lengthy dissertation-writing process.engUniversity of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.Bob Gibson Collection of Speculative FictionAutofictionArchivesCollectionsObjectsThingsWomenThe Tale of Peter RabbitSerendipityLiteratureLiterature--EnglishLost in the Stacks: A Collection of (Auto)Fictionsdoctoral thesis