Ambrosie, Linda M.2011-08-222011-08-222010Ambrosie, L. (2010). Tourism policy research: avenues for the future. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 3(1), 33-50.1750-4090 Journal of Tourism Policy, 3(1), 2010 © Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Article deposited according to publisher policy posted on Sherpa/Romeo, August 22, 2011.Combining an understanding of past achievements with a more critical review of the meta-theoretical assumptions on which each research endeavour is based, helps to highlight gaps and contradictions suggesting bridges to future research. Similar to other areas of business research, tourism research cohorts generally coalesce into one of three perspectives within funtionalism: economics, systems or political economy. Each perspective arrives at correlative conclusions. Few tourism policy researchers have employed phenomenology and such research has been conceptual. Future research would benefit from a triangulation of perspectives combining qualitative with quantitative methods to explicate and generalize the values and processes driving policy outcomes.engTourism policyresearchontologyepistemologymethodologyliterature reviewTourism policy research: avenues for the futurejournal article10.11575/PRISM/34091