Bello, Jhonattan2022-07-222022-07-222022-07-17Bello, J. (2022). Emergent themes for the development of resilience [Figure]. major themes emerged in this study, which are reflective of the research questions. The themes that emerged were (1) creating a safe and trusting environment, (2) focusing on a meaningful goal, (3) clarifying expectations, (4) modeling flexible thinking, and (5) finding the right stories to tell yourself. The first theme, creating a safe and trusting environment, focused on how instructors created spaces in which students felt safe to try new skills and make mistakes, thereby fostering relationships between students and instructors as well as among students themselves. The second theme explained how instructors included the practice of refining goals in their course, aiming to organize priorities and refocus on what really matters to students. The third theme, clarifying the expectations, described the ways in which instructors took the time to create realistic and appropriate expectations. The fourth theme captured the importance of instructors being able to model flexible thinking. Finally, the fifth theme, finding the right stories to tell yourself, described how the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and narrative approaches was being used in undergraduate programs to switch perspective from challenges to a journey approach, making students more resilient.eng"Emergent themes for the development of resilience" by Jhonattan Bello is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International Licence. Unless otherwise indicated, this material is protected by copyright and has been made available with authorization from the copyright owner. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission. resiliencePost-secondary educationInstructorsThemesSuccessSafe and trusting environmentClarifying expectationsFinding the right storiesFlexible thinkingMeaningful goalsEmergent themes for the development of resilienceWays to develop resiliencestill image