Bowal, PeterDragos, Leo2013-06-202013-06-202013-01Bowal, P. & Dragos, L. (2013). The Confidentiality of Commercially Valuable Information. Lawnow, 37(3), 55-57.0841-2626 deposited after permission was granted by LRC, June 11, 2013.The article discusses how to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of commercially available information by employees. The authors state that commercially valuable information is a valuable corporate asset. They mention that deliberate disclosure is best prevented by meticulously selecting and monitoring and limiting their access to sensitive information. They note that an employer must have an enforceable employee confidentiality agreement entered into at the time of hiring.engCONFIDENTIALITY agreementsDISCLOSURE of informationEMPLOYERSEMPLOYEE selectionEMPLOYEE recruitmentThe Confidentiality of Commercially Valuable Informationjournal article10.11575/PRISM/28743