Topps, DavidSylvester, MichaelLee, Sonya2011-11-052011-11-052011-11-05 delivered at Family Medicine Forum, Montreal, 2011.The session will be a hands-on workshop giving each participant access to their own live Open Labyrinth account. Participants will familiarize themselves with the program by following step-by-step instructions to build their first basic ‘case’. By the end of the session, participants will know: 1. the advantages and limitations of the Open Labyrinth case-making software 2. how to create their first Open Labyrinth case 3. next steps in working with Open Labyrinth elements in order to complete an effective caseengAttribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 Unported educationvirtual patientsVirtual PatientsPresentation10.11575/PRISM/10535