Sammartino, L.2005-08-232005-10-062005-08-232005-10-062005-04-06 presentation was given by Luca Sammartino, R&S Project Manager, at the Med-e-tel 2005 Conference in Luxembourg on April 6th, 2005.In a scenario where the Healthcare industry tends to rapid decentralization, with multiple actors involved in the care delivery processes, the importance for professionals to collaborate, access and share data and knowledge becomes more and more stringent. The aim Doc@Hand is to support Healthcare professionals in this changing environment, by providing a set of IT tools that help reducing the time and associated costs to collect the information and knowledge required, and, more crucially, in making the best use of it for a more informed decision making (diagnoses, therapies, protocols).392251 bytes9734 bytes1761 bytes392251 bytesapplication/pdftext/plaintext/plainapplication/pdfeneHealthKnowledge ManagementDecision Support ToolsInteroperabilityDOC@HAND: Knowledge Sharing and Decision Support for Healthcare ProfessionalsPresentation10.11575/PRISM/10658