Tse, EdwardHancock, MarkGreenberg, Saul2008-02-272008-02-272007-06-29http://hdl.handle.net/1880/45910The rapid development of large interactive wall displays has been accompanied by research on methods that allow people to interact with the display at a distance. The basic method for target acquisition is by ray casting a cursor from one s pointing finger or hand position; the problem is that selection is slow and errorprone with small targets. A better method is the bubble cursor that resizes the cursor s activation area to effectively enlarge the target size. The catch is that this technique s effectiveness depends on the proximity of surrounding targets: while beneficial in sparse spaces, it is less so when targets are densely packed together. Our method is the speech-filtered bubble ray that uses speech to transform a dense target space into a sparse one. Our strategy builds on what people already do: people pointing to distant objects in a physical workspace typically disambiguate their choice through speech. For example, a person could point to a stack of books and say the green one . Gesture indicates the approximate location for the search, and speech filters unrelated books from the search. Our technique works the same way; a person specifies a property of the desired object, and only the location of objects matching that property trigger the bubble size. In a controlled evaluation, people were faster and preferred using the speech-filtered bubble ray over the standard bubble ray and ray casting approach.EngComputer ScienceSpeech-Filtered Bubble Ray: Improving Target Acquisition on Display Wallsunknown2007-867-19http://dx.doi.org/10.11575/PRISM/30761