Bshouty, Nader H.2008-05-262008-05-261989-12-01 $F$ be a field and let $Q( alpha )~=~q sub 1 sup {d sub 1} ( alpha )... q sub k sup {d sub k} ( alpha )~\(mo~F[ alpha ]$ be a polynomial of degree $n$ where $q sub 1 ( alpha ),...,q sub k ( alpha )$ are distinct irreducible polynomials. Let $y sub 1 ( alpha ),...,y sub r ( alpha ),~x sub 1 ( alpha ),...,x sub 3 ( alpha )$ be $r~+~s,~n~-~$1-degree polynomials. It is shown that if $Card(F)~>=~max sub {1 <=i<=k}~2deg~q sub i sup d sub i ( alpha )~-~2$ then the number of nonscalar multiplications/divisions required to compute the coefficients of $x sub i ( alpha ) y sub 1 ( alpha )~ mod~Q( alpha ),~i=1,...,s$ by straight line algorithms is $ s(2n~-~k) $. We also prove that if $H$ is an $s~times~r$ matrix with entries from $F$ then the number of nonscalar multiplications/divisions required to compute the coefficients of $(x sub 1 ( alpha ),...,x sub s ( alpha ))H(y sub 1 ( alpha ), ...,y sub r ( alpha )) sup T $ by straight line algorithms is $ rank(H)(2n~-~k)$. All those systems satisfy the direct sum conjecture strongly. For some other algebras that are direct sum of local algebras the above results also hold.EngComputer ScienceON THE COMPLEXITY OF BILINEAR FORMS OVER ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRASunknown1989-373-3510.11575/PRISM/30484