Hülsemeyer, AxelAng, AdrianJobin, KariHülsemeyer, Axel2020-12-182020-12-1820001480-63391480-6349http://hdl.handle.net/1880/112848In September 1999, an international conference took place at the University of Calgary, entitled Globalization 2000: Convergence or Divergence? The articles contained in this issue of Innovations are revised versions of some of the papers presented at the conference. In this introductory essay I wish to outline briefly the rationale underlying the G2000 conference. It seems to me that what made the project different from similar events can be cast in both substantive and organizational terms. I will reflect on both aspects in turn.© Innovations: A Journal of Politics 1998-2011Introductory Essay: 'Globalization 2000' - From Planning to Fruitioneditorial