Squires, Janet EAloisio, Laura DGrimshaw, Jeremy MBashir, KainatDorrance, KristinCoughlin, MaryHutchinson, Alison MFrancis, JillMichie, SusanSales, AnneBrehaut, JamieCurran, JanetIvers, NoahLavis, JohnNoseworthy, ThomasVine, JocelynHillmer, MichaelGraham, Ian D2019-05-262019-05-262019-05-22Implementation Science. 2019 May 22;14(1):52http://hdl.handle.net/1880/11042910.11575/PRISM/45246Abstract Background To increase the likelihood of successful implementation of evidence-based practices, researchers, knowledge users, and healthcare professionals must consider aspects of context that promote and hinder implementation in their setting. The purpose of the current study was to identify contextual attributes and their features relevant to implementation by healthcare professionals and compare and contrast these attributes and features across different clinical settings and healthcare professional roles. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of 145 semi-structured interviews comprising 11 studies (10 from Canada and one from Australia) investigating healthcare professionals’ perceived barriers and enablers to their use of research evidence in clinical practice. The data was collected using semi-structured interview guides informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework across different healthcare professional roles, settings, and practices. We analyzed these data inductively, using constant comparative analysis, to identify attributes of context and their features reported in the interviews. We compared these data by (1) setting (primary care, hospital-medical/surgical, hospital-emergency room, hospital-critical care) and (2) professional role (physicians and residents, nurses and organ donor coordinators). Results We identified 62 unique features of context, which we categorized under 14 broader attributes of context. The 14 attributes were resource access, work structure, patient characteristics, professional role, culture, facility characteristics, system features, healthcare professional characteristics, financial, collaboration, leadership, evaluation, regulatory or legislative standards, and societal influences. We found instances of the majority (n = 12, 86%) of attributes of context across multiple (n = 6 or more) clinical behaviors. We also found little variation in the 14 attributes of context by setting (primary care and hospitals) and professional role (physicians and residents, and nurses and organ donor coordinators). Conclusions There was considerable consistency in the 14 attributes identified irrespective of the clinical behavior, setting, or professional role, supporting broad utility of the attributes of context identified in this study. There was more variation in the finer-grained features of these attributes with the most substantial variation being by setting.Attributes of context relevant to healthcare professionals’ use of research evidence in clinical practice: a multi-study analysisJournal Article2019-05-26enThe Author(s).https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-019-0900-8