Jalilehvand, FaridehSandström, MagnusFors, YvonneDamian, EmilianaGelius, Ulrik2007-07-172007-07-172005Jalilehvand, F., Sandström, M., Fors, Y., Damian, E., and Gelius, U. "Analyses of sulfur and iron in marine-archaeological wood". Eds. P. Hoffman, J. A. Spriggs, T. Grant, C. Cook and A. Recht in Proceedings of 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials (WOAM) Conference, Copenhagen 2004, Bremerhaven, 2005: 181-199.3897573083http://hdl.handle.net/1880/44718engChemistryAnalyses of sulfur and iron in marine-archaeological woodconference proceedings10.11575/PRISM/35256