Waller, Andrew2007-01-182007-01-182003Journal of Access Services 1.3 (2003. pp. 25-44).http://hdl.handle.net/1880/44234The Canadian university library members of two consortial e-journal deals were surveyed to determine how many of the corresponding print journals had been cancelled as a result of their participation in the online package purchase. The survey indicated that the number of concurrent print subscriptions held by the libraries had notably decreased. This paper considers possible effects and presents two options, with examples, for archiving of print journals: (1) distributed print archiving, and (2) back-up repositories. The questions of what this means for access services and whatif anythingneeds to be done are also addressed.173422 bytesapplication/pdfengAttribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2.5Library & Information ScienceJournal consortiaElectronic journalsArchival repositoriesJournal cancellationsPrint journal holdings in two Canadian consortial projectsjournal article10.11575/PRISM/34797