Wyvill, BrianMaulsby, DavidMcPheeters, Craig2008-02-272008-02-271984-04-01http://hdl.handle.net/1880/46222The computer has been used as a tool to aid animation artists in a number of ways; from controlling rostrum cameras to producing complete animation sequences from three dimensional descriptions of real objects. This paper describes Graphicsland, a suite of programs developed to explore the medium of 3D animation. Graphicsland recognizes that there is no single "correct" approach to solving the problems of design, storage, movement, rendering and production of animated film and video. Instead a variety of techniques are offered and the design of the system is such that it may easily be extended to incorporate new algorithms and graphical databases in the future.EngComputer ScienceCOMPUTER ANIMATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARYunknown1984-150-8http://dx.doi.org/10.11575/PRISM/31222