Sharahi, Hossein JEgberts, PhilipKim, Seonghwan2018-11-262018-11-262018-10 reduction is an important issue for proper functioning of nano-/micro-electromechanical systems (N-/MEMS) due to their large surface to volume ratios and the inability of traditional liquid lubricants to effectively lubricate sliding contacts. One efficient technique to achieve substantially lowered friction at nanoscale, as well as superlubricity in some instances, was investigated with the coupling of ultrasonic actuation of the sliding contact in an atomic force microscope (AFM). Despite the successful application of ultrasonic AFM methods in achieving mechanical property measurements and nanoscale subsurface imaging of soft and hard materials, the mechanism of friction reduction in the microscopic contact and the influence of the ultrasonic parameters on friction reduction are still elusive. In this study, the effects of excitation amplitude, applied normal force, tip radius, and humidity on friction have been investigated in detail. Ultrasonic force microscopy (UFM) results are compared against those collected with conventional contact-AFM (C-AFM) and indicate that a reduction in the adhesive interaction between the tip and sample, as well as a reduction in the shear strength can explain the mechanisms of the friction reduction in UFM method. This study opens up a new door for the control of friction and wear, which is critical for the increased lifetime of AFM probes, N-/MEMS devices and would potentially bridge the gap between nanotribology and other fields, such as nanomachining, nanolithography and biomaterials imaging.enUltrasonic force microscopyfrictionwearnanotribologypolystyreneMechanisms of Friction Reduction of Nanoscale Sliding Contacts Achieved Through Ultrasonic Excitationjournal article