Hay, Geoffrey J.Ghaffarian, Salar2023-05-112022-04-25Ghaffarian, S. (2022). Automatic Mapping of Residential Rooftops with High-Resolution Thermal Imagery (Master thesis). University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca .http://hdl.handle.net/1880/116438This study reports on the use of the commercially available ENVI Deep Learning module to (i) automatically extract GIS ready rooftop polygons directly from high-resolution night-time thermal infrared (TIR) airborne imagery and (ii) define the optimal spatial resolution for deep learning rooftop delineation. It also (iii) compares results from multi-spatial resolution models based on a single TIR image vs. a derived three channel image and (iv) introduces two new object-based accuracy assessment methods for comparing the visual fit of the segmented rooftops.EnglishAerial Thermal ImagerySemantic SegmentationBuilding ExtractionObject-based Image AnalysisEarth SciencesAutomatic Mapping of Residential Rooftops with High-Resolution Thermal Imagerymaster thesis