Bell, Simon2019-03-282019-03-282019Bell, S. (2019). Fake news, paradigm of fear & sustainability: Research report on climate fear(s). International Journal of Fear Studies, 1(1), 91-108. manipulation is now a much-discussed reality of the 21st century media ethics. Daniel Khaneman has identified that people have a tendency to respond to complex issues in a problematic manner--often making use of instincts (System 1 or S!) in kneee jerk responses when a more rational (Systems 2 or S2) approach might be more appropriate. Simply put, human beings have a flawed process for problem structuring. In research carried out between 2015-16 with people engaged in and concerned with climate change....engSimon Bell ©2019weaponization of fearparadigm of fearclimate change |communityFake news, paradigm of fear & sustainability: Research report on climate fear(s).journal article10.11575/PRISM/36329