Forest, Pierre-GerlierHoughton, K. Mikayla2022-02-032022-02-032021-08-24Houghton, K. M. (2021). Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canadian Penitentiaries (Unpublished master's project). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. the decriminalization of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in 2016, Canada has developed one of the most progressive and inclusive assisted dying frameworks in the world. This capstone project explores the accessibility of MAiD in federal penitentiaries with a focus on Correctional Service Canada’s (CSC) legal obligation to inmates to provide adequate access to health services, including MAiD, highlighting areas within the current framework that need immediate attention. In addition, to better understand the financial implications of providing MAiD in a correctional facility, this paper explores the costs and savings of MAiD in the community with a discussion of how it could apply to a correctional facility.enMedical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canadian Penitentiariesreport