Teasdale, Guy2006-07-212006-07-212004-10-13http://hdl.handle.net/1880/43369This presentation was given at the CARL sponsored workshop entitled, Institutional Repositories: The Future is Now. The Workshop was held on October 13, 2004 in Halifax, Nova Scotia as a preconference day for the Access 2004 conference.This presentation provides an overview of the Archimède software. The software was developed at Universite de Laval. It is an open source system and freely available for download.97280 bytes58664 bytesapplication/vnd.ms-powerpointapplication/pdfenAttribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2.5http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/Institutional Repository PlatformsSoftwareArchimèdeArchimèdePresentation10.11575/PRISM/29071