Kwong, HenryJacob, Christian2008-02-262008-02-262001-02-01 project is in the area of evolutionary design. Specifically it deals with providing a user-friendly interface to the EVOLVICA software system (Jacob 2000) that is used to evolve biomorph sketch figures and L-system (Lindenmayer system) flowers. In addition to creating an easier to use interface, I also experimented with the visualization of the genotype and phenoptype of the biomorphs and L-systems. By the end of the project, I had developed several GUI widgets in Mathematica (Wolfram 1996), some of which include data input forms, a point-and-click expression browser, and a graphical selection widget. In addition I made the phenotype visualization more dynamic and interactive by integrating a Mathematica add-on called Live Graphics 3-D (Kraus 2000). In the case of the biomorph system, I added 3-D phenotypic visualization to make the biomorphs appear more like real world objects. I also improved genotype visualization by representing the genotype in forms that are easier to read and recognize, such as standard L-system notations, and tree-based forms. For biomorph genomes, I presented the genome in a tabular form to make comparisons between genomes easier. The resulting systems have improved the ability of the user to observe the changes to the genotype and phenotype that take place through the evolution of L-system flowers and biomorphs.EngComputer ScienceIMPROVED INTERFACE FOR INTERACTIVE EVOLUTIONARY DESIGNunknown2001-678-0110.11575/PRISM/30861