Drolet, Julie L.Charles, GrantMcConnell, Sheri M.Bogo, Marion2022-12-122022-12-122022-12-152022-12-15Drolet, J. L., Charles, G., McConnell, S. M., & Bogo, M. (Eds). (2022). Transforming social work field education: new insights from practice research and scholarship. LCR Publishing Services.9781773854403http://hdl.handle.net/1880/115579Social work field education in Canada is in crisis. New understanding and approaches are urgently needed. Innovative and sustainable models need to be explored and adopted. As professionals, social workers are expected to use research to inform their practice and to contribute to the production of research. Yet many social workers are reluctant to integrate research into their practice and into field education. Transforming Social Work Field Education encourages the adoption of research and scholarship into the practice of social work, especially field education. It offers current theoretical concepts and perspectives that shape social work field education and provides case studies of practice research grounded in the experiences of diverse communities and countries. Highlighting cutting-edge research and scholarship, each chapter addresses critical issues in social work practice and their implications for field education. Bringing together scholars at various stages of their careers, this book fosters a meaningful dialogue on the dynamic, complex, and multi-faceted nature of social work practice, research, and innovation in the critical area of field education. A vivid and original work, it stimulates interest and discussion on the integration of research and scholarship in social work field education in Canada and around the world.engThis open-access work is published under a Creative Commons licence. This means that you are free to copy, distribute, display or perform the work as long as you clearly attribute the work to its authors and publisher, that you do not use this work for any commercial gain in any form, and that you in no way alter, transform, or build on the work outside of its use in normal academic scholarship without our express permission. If you want to reuse or distribute the work, you must inform its new audience of the licence terms of this workhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0social workfield educationsocial work practiceTransforming Social Work Field Education: New Insights from Practice Research and Scholarshipbook