Tkach, DavidHank, Carolyn2017-04-282017-04-282014-05-12Tkach, D., & Hank, C. (2014). Before Blogs, There Were Zines: Berman, Danky, and the Political Case for Zine Collecting in North American Academic Libraries. Serials Review, 40(1), 12-20. doi:10.1080/00987913.2014.891866 attention has been paid to collecting born-digital, nontraditional, self-published forms, such as blogs and tweets. However, what of print-based, nontraditional, self-published materials? Before there were blogs, there were zines. Zines, much like blogs and tweets, are a challenging and difficult material to collect, but upon consideration of the concepts of Sandy Berman and James Danky, the onus is on academic libraries to have zine collections. An examination of ARL and CARL websites indicates that zine collecting is not a widespread practice in academic libraries; this article argues that, even in our contemporary digital, social-networked era, it should be.enAttribution 4.0 International libariesself publishingephemeral artbermandankyephemerazinesBefore Blogs There Were Zines: Berman, Danky, and the Political Case for Zine Collecting in North American Academic Librariesjournal article10.1080/00987913.2014.89186610.11575/PRISM/34746