Friesen, SharonBrandon, JimJacobsen, Michele2020-04-092020-04-012020-04-092020-03-31Friesen, S., Brandon, J., & Jacobsen, M. (Eds.). (2020). Selected Proceedings of the IDEAS Conference 2019: Transforming Pedagogies: Learn – Design – Innovate. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.2371-9265, Designers, Educators, Academics and Students (IDEAS) 2019, Transforming Pedagogies is the sixth conference hosted by the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. The mandate of the conference is to improve education through research, evidence-informed decisions across teaching, learning, and leadership. The conference brings together innovators, designers, K-12 practitioners, school leaders, post-secondary educators, consultants, undergraduate and graduate students, ministry personnel, academics, and researchers. All proposals to the conference go through a blind review process. Those proposals that potential presenters indicate will be submitted to the proceedings undergo a second double-blind review. The accepted proposals for the proceedings are invited to submit papers for the Proceedings of the IDEAS Conference, following the conference. These papers undergo a double-blind peer-review process that involves a minimum of two people reviewing each proposal. The reviewers’ feedback provides recommendations to the authors for improving and revising their manuscripts. Authors are required to address reviewers’ comments for the final version.engUnless otherwise indicated, this material is protected by copyright and has been made available with authorization from the copyright owner. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.Learn Design InnovateSelected Proceedings of the IDEAS Conference Transforming Pedagogies: Learn – Design – Innovate