Currie, CherylMcKennitt, DanielWild, Cam2009-06-082009-06-082008-07Currie, C., Wild, T. C., & McKennitt, D. (2008). Risk and protective factors for addictive behaviour among Aboriginal Canadians. CIHR-IAPH Global Indigenous Health Research Symposium. Victoria, B.C. Refereed Conference Proceedings. purpose of this study was to work in partnership with the urban Aboriginal community to identify cultural factors that may protect Aboriginal people from developing problems with one or more addictive behaviours (alcohol, drug, nicotine or gambling) and to examine ways to promote these factors in culturally appropriate ways.engIndians of North America -- Substance use -- CanadaIndians of North America -- Substance use -- Canada -- PreventionInstitute Funded ReportsExploring Protective Factors for Addictive Behaviour among Urban Aboriginal Canadiansconference proceedings10.11575/PRISM/9878