Krivitsky, Julie2010-07-282010-07-282010Solar Rights and Renewable Energy in Alberta, Occasional Paper #31 (Calgary: Canadian Institute of Resources Law, 2010) report was prepared as part of a research project on Legal and Policy Issues with Respect to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Alberta, funded by the Alberta Law Foundation.This paper focuses on solar energy for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is one of the most versatile and arguably the cleanest of all the renewable energy sources. Secondly, Alberta enjoys considerable solar potential compared to many other jurisdictions. Finally, the use of this abundant resource can help to achieve the goal of greening energy production by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thus promoting the objectives set out in Alberta's 2008 Climate Change Strategyengrenewable energysolar energyAlberta's 2008 Climate Change StrategySolar Rights and Renewable Energy in Albertaworking paper10.11575/PRISM/34313