Brennan, RobertIyer, Parth2017-05-012017-05-0120172017 thesis is an expansion of a Capstone Project where a set of portable sprint starting blocks that can be used for training was developed. For this thesis, two piezo-electric sensors were implemented in the blocks that transmitted data from each of the sprinter’s feet to a micro-controller. The sensors, after a series of impact hammer tests, offered a cost-efficient means of collecting valuable telemetric data during a sprint start, and crucially, were non-intrusive. Majority of the athletes demonstrated a consistent three-peak-force pattern in the data collected which was statistically correlated to qualitative performance scores given by a coach evaluating the start. The correlation helped develop a fuzzy method that estimated a performance score for sprint starts and detected false starts. The need to validate this method also helped produce a definitive coach’s sprint start evaluation checklist from the National Coaching Certification Program.engUniversity of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.Education--PhysicalPhysiologyApplied MechanicsArtificial IntelligenceEngineeringEngineering--BiomedicalEngineering--MechanicalSprint Starting BlocksSprint StartReaction TimeFuzzy LogicPerformance scoreCoachKinesiologyPortable Sprint Starting BlocksPerformance Measurement SystemAthleteAthletesPiezo-electricPearson CorrelationPiezo sensorTrial EffectArduinoMicro-controllerImpact HammerCoach ScoreForce peakImpulseSprintStarting BlocksPortable Starting BlocksDevelopment of a Real-time Performance Measurement System for Sprint Startsmaster thesis10.11575/PRISM/25671