Lao, Mary GraceRehal, PreeBay, Jessica2024-12-102024-12-102024-12-159781773855752 Jones made her first Marvel Comics appearance in Alias #1, November 2001, and went on to star in three ongoing series. In 2015 the Netflix adaptation Jessica Jones premiered to positive reviews. Following the scarred and superpowered titular character as she struggled to run a private detective agency and face her past, the show ran for three seasons and received a Hugo Award, a Peabody Award, and a Creative Arts Emmy. Diverging the Popular, Gender and Trauma AKA The Jessica Jones Anthology brings together a diverse group of scholars to explore the evolving depiction of the superheroine as embodied in both Jessica Jones and in the series. Contributors draw on trauma-informed study, lived experience, feminist approaches, cultural studies, and more to present multifaceted analyses. Specifically addressing survivorship, trauma, masculinities, and militarization, this book makes space for conversations that recognize the diverse, multi-layered narratives and complex, sometimes contradictory depictions presented by the show. Taking Jessica Jones as part of an evolving depiction of the superheroine, this anthology focuses not only on the content of the television series but female superheroes more broadly. It recognizes and critically discusses gendered and racialized roles and spaces, the changing expectations of fans, and the places in which media industries and fans interact. Connecting Jessica Jones to the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe, this is a thoughtful and thorough study of a ground-breaking character and boundary-pushing show.enThis open-access work is published under a Creative Commons licence. This means that you are free to copy, distribute, display or perform the work as long as you clearly attribute the work to its authors and publisher, that you do not use this work for any commercial gain in any form, and that you in no way alter, transform, or build on the work outside of its use in normal academic scholarship without our express permission. If you want to reuse or distribute the work, you must inform its new audience of the licence terms of this work. For more information, see details of the Creative Commons licence at: 2.5 Canada studiescomic book studiessuperhero studiesmarvel studiesDiverging the Popular, Gender and Trauma AKA The Jessica Jones Anthologybook