Atkey, SusanCarson, JanaDobrovolsky, Michael2016-06-212016-06-212000-01Atkey, S., Carson, J., & Dobrovolsky, M. (Eds.) (2000). Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics, 22(Winter).2371-2643 editors of this volume, Susan Atkey, Jana Carson, and Michael Dobrovolsky, are pleased to present the twenty-second issue of the Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics published by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Calgary. The papers contained in this volume represent works in progress and as such should not be considered in any way final or definitive.enLinguisticsAthabaskan languageSlavey languageOptimality theory (Linguistics)PhonologyConstraints (Linguistics)Reduplication (Linguistics)MorphologyPuget Sound Salish languagesStoney languageGrammar, Comparative and general--PronounRussian languageAccents and accentuationLanguage acquisitionYoruba languageSyntaxCalgary Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 22, Winter 2000Other10.11575/PRISM/28956