Bowal, PeterMacLeod, Haley2013-07-032013-07-032012-01Bowal, P. & MacLeod, H. (2012). Whatever Happened To … The Bata Shoe Company. Lawnow, 36(3), 46-51.0841-2626 deposited after permission was granted by LRC, June 11, 2013.The article discusses the court case involving an environmental violation of a shoe company in Canada. It mentions the R. v. Bata Industries Ltd., Marchant and Weston where the Bata Shoe Company faced litigation for violating the environmental regulation because of its chemical waste storage problem which resulted in a contamination of the groundwater nearby it. The company was later charged under the Ontario Water Resources Act and the Environmental Protection Act..engACTIONS & defenses (Law)SHOE industry -- Environmental aspectsBATA Shoe Co.WATER pollution -- Law & legislationENVIRONMENTAL law -- CanadaWhatever Happened To … The Bata Shoe Companyjournal article10.11575/PRISM/33994