Herzog, Walterde Brito Fontana, Heiliane2016-06-212016-06-212016de Brito Fontana, H., & Herzog, W. (2016). Vastus lateralis maximum force-generating potential occurs at optimal fascicle length regardless of activation level. European journal of applied physiology, 116(6), 1267-1277.http://hdl.handle.net/1880/51401Despite the fact that everyday movements are hardly ever performed with muscles contracting maximally, our understanding of the force-length relationship is mostly based on in vitro studies using maximal activation. In this study, the in vivo submaximal and maximal force-length relationships of vastus-lateralis were investigated. Force-length relationships were obtained based on maximal and submaximal levels of force and, also, onEMG activation.enforce-length relationshipfascicleseries elasticitymuscle propertiescalcium sensitivitymuscle adaptationelectromyographyultrasound imagingin vivo muscle functionVastus Lateralis Maximum Force-Generating Potential Occurs at Optimal Fascicle Length Regardless of Activation Leveljournal article10.11575/PRISM/29064