Morrison, HeatherWaller, Andrew2008-06-022008-06-022008-05-23 at the Canadian Library Association Conference 2008: Libraries and Publishing 3.0: Connecting Authors to Readers in the Digital Age, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 23, 2008.The co-convenors of the Canadian Library Association (CLA) Task Force on Open Access report on the work of the Task Force. CLA has adopted strong policies on open access to CLA's own publications, most of which have been implemented. CLA has contributed to consultations on open access. On May 21, 2008, CLA approved a Position Statement on Open Access for Canadian Libraries. The Position Statement reinforces access to information as one of librarianship's key values. Libraries are encouraged to support open access in a variety of ways, from supporting open access policies to educating patrons about open access as a concept, and OA resources, and by providing economic and technical support to open access. Practical ideas for implementing the recommendations are presented.engAttribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported & Information ScienceOpen AccessCanadian Library AssociationOACLAposition statementOpen Access and Canadian Libraries: Taking a PositionPresentation