Laidlaw, David2018-12-132018-12-132016-03 is an Update to our Alberta First Nations Consultation & Accommodation Handbook published on March 30, 2014 as CIRL Occasional Paper #44 (Handbook).This is an Update to our Alberta First Nations Consultation & Accommodation Handbook published on March 30, 2014 as CIRL Occasional Paper #44 (Handbook). The Handbook was a critical assessment of Alberta’s approach to satisfying the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate aboriginal people in Alberta under The Government of Alberta’s Policy on Consultation with First Nations on Land and Natural Resource Management, 2013 (Consultation Policy). In the Handbook we reviewed the Consultation Policy, associated legislation and draft Corporate Guidelines as they existed at March 30, 2014. In this Update, we analyze the finalized guidelines, The Government of Alberta’s Guidelines on Consultation with First Nations on Land and Natural Resource Management (July 28, 2014) (Guidelines) together with relevant developments since March 30, 2014.enThe Canadian Institute of Resources Law encourages the availability, dissemination and exchange of public information. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with this work on the following conditions: (1) You must acknowledge the source of this work, (2) You may not modify this work, and (3) You must not make commercial use of this work without the prior written permission of the Institute. peoplesConsultationDuty to AccommodateAlberta First Nations Consultation & Accommodation Handbook – Updated to 2016working paper10.11575/PRISM/34962