Greenaway, Guy2018-07-132018-07-132017-02Calgary Regional Partnership. (2017). CRP EcoPlan Strategies Catalogue: Summary description. Calgary: Greenaway, Guy. CRP Regional EcoPlan is a key component of the CRP Ecological Conservation and Protection Initiative. The EcoPlan is the implementation plan for the Calgary Metropolitan Plan’s Principle 1: “Protecting the natural environment and watershed.” The intent of the EcoPlan is to guide measurable action toward achieving the CMP’s Principle 1. It does so by identifying conservation and protection themes, and several measurable sub-themes. For each sub-theme, targets will be collectively identified by the Calgary Regional Partnership member municipalities, which will require both individual municipal action as well as coordinated action as a region.enMunicipal PlanningCRP EcoPlan Strategies Catalogue: Summary descriptionreport10.11575/PRISM/34996