Eaton, Sarah E.Dressler, RoswitaGereluk, DianneBecker, Sandra2015-06-252015-06-252015-06-22 meta-analysis of the literature covers seven (7) key areas: (1) Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Integrate Technology into their Professional Practice; (2) Pre-service Teacher Preparation Programs Delivered Online; (3) Pre-service Teacher Preparation Programs Delivered in a Blended Format; (4) Technology-focused Pre-service Teacher Preparation in Rural and Remote Communities; (5) Critical Perspectives of Technology for Learning; (6) Monitoring, Evaluating and Assuring the Quality of e-Learning and Blended Learning Programs for Teacher Education; and (7) Building Engagement and Community in Online Courses.enAttribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International teacher educationonlineblendedrural remoteA Review of the Literature on Rural and Remote Pre-Service Teacher Preparation With a Focus on Blended and E-Learning ModelsOther10.11575/PRISM/31625