Tigges, MarkWyvill, Brian2008-02-272008-02-271998-03-01http://hdl.handle.net/1880/46255Recently an automatic solution to the problem of applying 2D textures to an implicit surface has been introduced (13). The method derives a uv-texture coordinate system by tracing particles from the implicit surface to a \fIsupport surface\fR. In this paper, we describe the adaptation of this algorithm to the \fIBlobTree\fR data structure. The \fIBlobTree\fR provides an implicit modelling system through a hierarchy of blends, CSG and warping applied to primitives. There are several problems involved in applying textures in such a general modelling system, particularly across CSG junctions. In this paper we identify these problems and introduce some simple solutions.EngComputer ScienceTEXTURE MAPPING THE BLOBTREEunknown1998-619-10http://dx.doi.org/10.11575/PRISM/31244