Ahmed, M. RazuRahman, Khan RHossain, Sheikh MHassan, Quazi K2021-12-212021-12-212021-12Ahmed, M. R., Rahman, K. R., Hossain, S. M., & Hassan, Q. K. (2021). Evaluation of Selected Mitigation Strategies for Reducing Forest Fire-induced Risk. Alberta Land Institue, University of Alberta.http://hdl.handle.net/1880/114192The aim was to study post-fire perceptions of selected mitigation strategies for wildland fire- induced risks proposed in a previous scientific study for the communities situated within the forested areas. Consequently, we considered engaging relevant professionals in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB), Alberta who experienced the costliest wildland fire occurrences in Canadian history known as the 2016 Horse River Fire (HRF). To meet our goal, we formulated a questionnaire based on the scientific evidence presented in a previous study and con-ducted a structured survey. Our results revealed that 24 professionals participated in the survey during the June 2020-April 2021 period, providing a 32% response rate. We observed that a high percentage of the participants agreed (i.e., between 63% and 80%) with the proposed wildland fire-induced risk mitigation strategies, including the presence of no to little vegetation in the 30 m buffer zone from the wildland–urban interface (WUI), extending the 30 m buffer zone to 70 m from the WUI, constructing a 70 m width ring road around the communities, and parking lots of the social infrastructures in the fringe of the communities encountering to the forest. We also found other views, including the use of non-combustible and fire-resistant construction materials, and developing the 70 m buffer zone as a recreational space.engUnless otherwise indicated, this material is protected by copyright and has been made available with authorization from the copyright owner. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0Evaluation of Selected Mitigation Strategies for Reducing Forest Fire-induced Riskreport