Cooper, MerrillWells, Lana2017-04-102017-04-102014-09Cooper, M. & Wells, L. (2014). Preventing child maltreatment: A critical strategy for stopping intimate partner violence in the next generation. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence. paper makes the case for strengthening child maltreatment prevention efforts as a critical component of the Government of Alberta’s Family Violence Prevention Framework and the Early Childhood Strategy. A timely paper given the recent mandate letter to Minister of Human Services, Heather Klimchuk, which has a strong focus on early childhood development and poverty. The paper demonstrates the link between child maltreatment and domestic violence; provides an overview of the scope and consequences of child maltreatment; articulates the risk factors for child maltreatment; provides a description of programs and interventions that may prevent child maltreatment; and outlines key policy, research, and program recommendations to strengthen child maltreatment prevention efforts specifically in the Alberta context.enPreventing Child Maltreatment: A Critical Strategy for Stopping Intimate Partner Violence in the Next GenerationOther10.11575/PRISM/31403