The Intersection of Early Childhood Caries and Domestic Violence: How Dentists and Dental Hygienists in Alberta Frame the Issue

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This study explored points of view from dentists and dental hygienists in Alberta along with national and provincial experts in public health dentistry and domestic violence prevention about two important topics: Early Childhood Caries (ECC) and Domestic Violence (DV). Semi-structured interviews were used and the results showed a general consensus that dentists and dental hygienists do not consider that ECC and DV intersect. As a result, intervention at this level will be very difficult to implement, since the existence of the problem is not recognized. This study identified gaps in practice, knowledge, education, research interest and intersectoral and interdisciplinary action that need to be addressed.
Public Health
Guardia Tello, C. (2013). The Intersection of Early Childhood Caries and Domestic Violence: How Dentists and Dental Hygienists in Alberta Frame the Issue (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/28222