Cultural Influences in Jordanian Architectural Practices: Post 1990

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The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the critical elements adopted by practicing Jordanian architects in incorporating local and global cultural themes in design thinking and architectural design. A key informant ethnographic approach was used in interviewing five Jordanian architects considered as ‘experts’ in integrating local and global influences in their buildings. The themes that emerged from these expert practitioner interviews include the critical elements of critical reflection and inquiry into the historical and contemporary local and global contexts and cultural influences. The changing role of the architect and the relationship between architecture and the real estate development industry also emerges as an important theme. There has been very little research into the process of professional architectural practice and the intention of this research is to illustrate the importance of understanding design thinking in design practice in order to better inform architectural education. Since the initial and traditional examination on Jordanian architecture prior to 1990 there has been a number of emerging Jordanian architects and changes in architectural practice and design thinking that have not been documented. The results of this research are intended to engage more architectural discussion and criticism about contemporary architecture and its influences and dynamic local and global contexts. Over the last two decades globalization has affected architectural design and architectural practice and contemporary cultural ‘visions’ of urban form. This flows of communication across geographic and cultural boundaries associated with globalization presents critical challenges in design to mediate between the local and the global. This requires much more than simply the replication of stylized ‘norms’ or imitation of past highly stereotyped imagery. As a profession that helps shape the built environment, it is important to understand how recognized architects engage in the process of mediating local and global influences in specific social, cultural, ecological and economic contexts. The results of this ethnographic approach to understanding successful architectural practice in Jordan suggest that the rediscovery of the uniqueness of cultural meaning in place is still a critical element in enabling contemporary architectural practice that is enabling Jordanian architecture to be sensitive to the flow and continuity of context in mediating global and local forces through design.
Architecture, Design and Decorative Arts
Jarrar, O. M. (2013). Cultural Influences in Jordanian Architectural Practices: Post 1990 (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/25503